Disorders of Iron Uptake
Iron deficiency causes anemia. Conversely, iron overload
causes hemosiderin to accumulate in the tissues, producing
damage tissues, causing hemochromatosis. This syndrome
is characterized by pigmentation of the skin, pancreatic
damage with diabetes (“bronze diabetes"), cirrhosis of the
liver, a high incidence of hepatic carcinoma, and gonadal
atrophy. Hemochromatosis may be hereditary or acquired.
The most common cause of the hereditary forms is a mutated
Large amounts of hemosiderin canHFE
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 6 and is
closely linked to the human leukocyte antigen-A (HLA-A)
locus. It is still unknown precisely how mutations in
gene that is common in the Caucasian population.HFEcause hemochromatosis, but individuals who are homogenous
HFE mutations absorb excess amounts of iron becauseHFE
transporters that participate in iron uptake. If the abnormality
is diagnosed before excessive amounts of iron accumulate
in the tissues, life expectancy can be prolonged by
repeated withdrawal of blood. Acquired hemochromatosis
occurs when the iron-regulating system is overwhelmed by
excess iron loads due to chronic destruction of red blood
cells, liver disease, or repeated transfusions in diseases such
as intractable anemia.
normally inhibits expression of the duodenal